Salon AV - an authoritative Russian magazine dedicated to novelties of audio and video equipment. News of the electronic and sound recording industry, expert tests and reviews of audio and video equipment, information on advanced technologies, author's reviews.
127018, Moscow, Oktyabrsky per. 12, office 531
Tel: (495) 788 05 44
hifiNews.RU is an informational analytical internet resource of the Hi-Fi technology market. One of the main objectives of the site is to provide Russian consumers with full, objective and useful information about the industry in general, product lines, and market players, give advice and publish reviews of Hi-Fi stores and digests of printed articles.
The audience of the portal can be provisionally divided into two groups. The first one is represented by professional market players (company representatives working in the industry) , the second group consists of people interested in Hi-Fi market. As a rule, these are end customers buying Hi-Fi products.
115191, Moscow, Russia
Gamsonovskiy str.,2, bld.2, room 207
ООО "Топ Аудио"
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ООО "Топ Аудио" © 2011-2020
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